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Introduction. 3

Investment climate in St.-Petersburg in the market of the real estate 4

Increase of a market. 5

Future Market Overview 7

Market Trends 9

Lack of Development Strategy 9

Cost inflation 10

Opportunities for U.S. Exporters and Investors 11

Conclusion. 12

Key words 14

The list of the used literature: 15


Rates of economic growth in Saint Petersburg last year are one of the highest in Europe. The increase in incomes of the population caused by it renders essential influence on continuation of rapid development of the market of the real estate in all its segments. By virtue of special profitableness of the given business is attractive for investors.

All changes in market are positive influence on development. Here it is possible to mention both the common political and economic stability, development of business, real growth of incomes of the population, increase of an investment rating of Russia, inflow of foreign investments, the high prices for export raw material, reduction in dollar exchange rate, and others.

There are some important geographical and social reasons. They include such processes, as development of the city as a whole, growth of its population, including, and due to inhabitants of regions, development of an infrastructure, improvement of consumer characteristics of new habitation, increase of the standard of living, etc.

Every year the potential demand for habitation in Petersburg is growing. Though the low ratio of amount of square meters for person continues to be kept in comparison with the advanced countries and high social requirement for expansion of a living space. Demand is caused by problems of poor quality of an available housing of times of the Soviet building, first of all five-floor buildings, and a lot of burgers prefer to move to better modern habitation. Always there are a lot of inhabitants from the regions, who wish to stay in Saint Petersburg. Recently has appeared an important investment component of demand when you can buy an apartment with the purpose of an investment of savings of the income of tenancy.

The important factor of growth of the market is active development of the mortgage that also promotes growth of solvent demand due to the future incomes.

To estimate a degree of influence of the listed above factors on the market of the real estate the last year it is possible due to the analysis of its changes for the last years. The given analysis also will be submitted in the given work.

Investment climate in St.-Petersburg in the market of the real estate

The demand of the potential investors for sites under building repeatedly exceeds the offer, and the quantity necessary coordination stretches realization of the projects for years. From the point of view of Mr. Volotevsky, the tendencies, which are shown today in the Petersburg market of the real estate, are characteristic both for other Russian regions, and for the country as a whole.

On July 1, 2003 in St. Petersburg were realized only 1022 investment projects connected with new construction or reconstruction (on the data of Committee on construction). Third of objects is at a stage of designing. The individual investors finance 868 projects (85 %), various budgets - 154 constructions.

In 2002 from the federal and local budgets was given about $ 820 mln for different areas of construction, in 2003 it was about $ 750 mln. In nearest 2-3 years this level will be kept.

The individual corporate investors in 2002 have put up in construction (without the account of cost of ground) $ 629 mln. Forecast for 2003 - $ 876 mln. In 2005-th this figure will reach $ 1320 mln. In view of budget means total amount of the investments in construction will make $ 2 billion.

In the sphere of housing construction, after 1996-1998, was a real rise, though, certainly, not as big as in Moscow (the volumes of our market are less than time in four in natural expressions and almost in eight times - in money). On sources of financing the situation cardinally differs from Moscow and some other regions. On the data of Committee on construction, in 2002 91,1 % of all habitation (1,1 mln sq.m.) is entered at the expense of the private investors, 5,6 % financed individual corporation. Only 3,3 % of the areas is paid by the budgets of all levels. Thus, on a degree of the market of the relations in sphere of housing construction of St. Petersburg occupies a leading situation among other regions.


The list of the used literature:

1. The Internet magazine - DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - BISNIS Representative in Northwest Russia July 2005

2. Resources of www.yahoo.com:








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