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Some people were experimenting with different unusual materials. were experimenting - Past Continuous, Active Voice Некоторые люди экспериментировали с различными необычными материалами. ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
SOURCES OF FUNDS. (Украина) ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
Special Children. An Integrative Approach ( Реферат, 30 стр. )
Stock Market is the mean... ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
STRESSED TEENAGERS BLAME MUM ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
Summary of the 3d part of the novel “The Painted Veil” ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
Summary of the 4th part of the novel “The Painted Veil” ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
Summary of the text “I can see you” ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )
Sunday Blues (Украина) ( Контрольная работа, 10 стр. )
SUPERMARKET ( Контрольная работа, 8 стр. )
Supply and demand ( Контрольная работа, 7 стр. )
TANGANYIKA ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
TANGANYIKA. ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
Task 1 ( Контрольная работа, 9 стр. )
TAXATION ( Контрольная работа, 14 стр. )
TEST № 6в. ( Контрольная работа, 13 стр. )
The accession of Azerbaijan into the Council of Europe (текст и перевод) ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )
The Art of Thinking. ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
The Baxters go shopping 495н ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
The Capitol is located on Capitol Hill, the highest point in the city. (Украина) ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
The city of Dnipropetrovsk (Украина) ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )
The competition will be conducted in cooperation with the National Food Processors Association ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
THE CONCEPT OF EQUIVALENCE IN THE MODERN THEORY OF TRANSLATION перевод текста ( Контрольная работа, 32 стр. )
The dead might as well try to speak to the living as the old to the young' by Willa Cather from "One of Ours" ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
The earth moves round the sun. 345732 ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )


New research shows that 40% of teenagers blame their busy working mothers for their own problems, says Linda Kelsey, who knows the toll that juggling can take only too well.

Back in the late 1980s a new virus spread like the latest computer worm. Only working mothers caught it. It was called guilt.

During the "have-it-all" 1980s I was editor of Cosmopolitan magazine. It was while I was on maternity leave in 1988 with my son Thomas, now 15, that I started to notice all the scare stories about the damage that was being inflicted on their offspring by the new breed of working mother, selfishly racing back to work and letting the really important job - bringing up baby - be done by a nanny. As if we didn't have enough to worry about, what with trying to be perfect wives, loving mothers and not nodding off in the middle of a crucial meeting out of exhaustion.

I decided that what was needed was a magazine for women who "do it all" rather than those who supposedly had it all. She magazine, under my editorship, was relaunched as "the magazine for women who juggle their lives" and working mothers lapped it up (circulation rose by 40% in two years).

One of the things that kept us working mothers going - alongside the much-needed pay packet and a perhaps naive belief that our children would ultimately benefit from having stimulated mothers - was the knowledge that by the time our kids were in their teens we would be over the guilt hurdle.

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